JWI’s global contacts can be helpful in furthering sound business ventures. JWI advises clients on how to attract and qualify for funding from bilateral and multilateral funding institutions. When a potential investment opportunity is under consideration, JWI minimizes risk by providing Business Intelligence investigations and geopolitical analyses of proposed partners and ventures.
Once an investment is finalized, JWI services help optimize outcomes. We connect public sector officials, for example, with needed, targeted expertise for development projects, and lead international investors to local partners who can capably manage acquisitions.
Reputation management. In the age of the Internet, anyone’s reputation can be damaged by inaccurate, misleading, or intentionally false information posted without verification or attribution. An investor’s ability to participate in multinational business transactions or invest in U.S. industries can be destroyed, and a business’s or government agency’s ability to attract investment undermined. JWI audits public and private databases for postings that relate to the client, then neutralizes negative data with positive postings that clarify, dismiss, or update damaging material.
For select case studies of JWI’s Investment work, click here